Envoy Missions Minute Daily Devotionals
Learn about world missions and develop a passion for living out the great commission with Envoy’s Missions Minute devotionals.
Each week morning Envoy International’s directory Wick Jackson goes live to share a missions minute devotional. These devotionals are short 2-3 minute videos that tell a powerful story of a world missions theme, people group, or encouragement for the church.
Find the latest Envoy missions minute episode here: @envoy.int
Helping the Local Church Develop A Passion for World Missions
Our Missions Minute Videos are a great way to keep world missions on the minds and hearts of local church members. Envoy International is dedicated to helping the local church develop and implement a personalized involvement in world evangelization and discipleship, and these missions minutes are just one way we can continue to provide relevant resources to the church today!

Check Out Past Missions Minute Devotionals
Want to watch more Missions Minute Devotional Videos? We have created 186 video devotionals to date, and you can access any of these past videos on Facebook page and on our Youtube channel.